HyveWorks is an all-encompassing platform that utilizes a customer database, document center, project management, and event scheduling in a comprehensive software package.


Client Acquisition

The heart of a business is its clients. Business owners are constantly working through the client acquisition stage in order to gain new projects. The HyveWorks system allows the team to develop marketing campaigns, upload data to a customer relations management system, and schedule events.



Once a client project is landed, you need to develop the team and discover project requirements. The HyveWorks system keeps the elicitation stage on course by providing communication amongst team members.


Project Management

HyveWorks system holds all the key data for your project to run smoothly: tasks, BOM, costing, contractor information, and payment tracking.


Client Retainment

Once a project is completed, the marketing and sales team should retain contact with the client in order to form a lasting relationship. HyveWorks system allows the sales team to track sales metrics and view historical data.


How do you manage your business?
Have you spent thousands on software programs that only handle specific tasks?
Are you tired of feeling like your business processes are disjointed?

We are developing a system that incorporates the main business processes into a single software application.

  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Announcements (Public and Private)
  • Team Management (Metric Tracking)
  • Document Center (Company-wide Education)
  • Task Management (Project and Personal)
Man on computer

All-Encompassing Business Management Solution



HyveWorks ensures that your company runs more effectively and efficiently by providing a means of internal communication amongst all departments. Maintain transparency between engineering, administration, executives and sales.


Business Growth

Companies will see in an increase in production when all key members are sharing resources and have open communication.



Assign tasks to team members, provide yourself with project tasks. Management can assess team members based on metrics.



With the HyveWorks system, a company can keep its key stakeholders informed through Public announcements and events.


Secure Platform

Our first phase development utilizes secure software download of the system in order to keep your business data safe.


Link Building

Keep customer relationships at the forefront of your business processes. Utilize one central database for all company departments.